Thursday, May 29, 2014

The power of friendship

"Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres."

Dad's words still ring true in my ears, especially now that I'm older and attempting to counsel my daughter about her friends. Friends really do have power and influence - and they can often make an impact in what we do.

I'm grateful that my friends have had such a great influence in my life.  It was a friend who sent me information about a scholarship and said - time for you to get your Master's!  A friend who encouraged me to lose weight after I'd gained 60 lbs with my third baby.  A friend who encouraged me to run my 5k, 10k and half marathon.  Another friend who is motivating me to run a full marathon.  My friends not only encourage me, they motivate me to succeed and hold me accountable.  
Medals from my first half marathon
So, today as I reflect on the power of friendships I do keep my dad's words in mind because yes "Friends have a direct influence on who you are." I'm happy that my friends have supported me and held me accountable for things they knew I could achieve if I just had that extra "push".  As you look at your circle of friends, I hope that you too find friends that encourage, motivate, and support you but those who also give you that 'tough love' an who hold you accountable for what you should be doing.

Those friends are invaluable and often hold the key to success for they are willing to push themselves right along with you!  I didn't run my first 5k or 10k alone...nope!  My friends were right by my side.  I'm grateful to all those women who saw something in me and helped me achieve what I did.  

Thank you!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Let's love ourselves!

We all have those moments, days or even years when we're not our favorite people.  We seize to be a priority but, let's face it!  We are the most important people in our lives.  If I didn't exist, my children wouldn't have a parent.  Though they are very important, I am MOST important.  If I'm going to take care of them and protect them well into adulthood I should take care of myself and that all begins with loving myself.

I didn't always realize this.  I was too busy being wife, mom, teacher, student, daughter, sister.  For about 5 years I was just too busy taking care of other people.  I had two kids and had gained something like 60 pounds!  I went in for my yearly check up and complained about my knee.  My doctor's answer was that I was just too heavy for my frame.  I decided to lose weight.  By walking, running and doing Insanity I did lose all that weight and was back to my normal weight and a size six when...

SURPRISE!  I was pregnant again and this time, haha I gained 80 lbs.  I thought I'd never get back to anywhere near a size 6 but two years later I was!  I was running longer and faster too.  Exercise helped me through a really difficult three years.  

It wasn't just the weight that I'd put on, I went through a divorce.  I was determined to stay positive and strong throughout.  We all know exercise boosts the happy hormones!  Running and Les Mills Combat are still my go-to feel better workouts.  I am now in year three of my fit for life journey and I have surpassed my size 6 jean size goal!  I just ran my first half marathon too!  What is most important to me is that my children and I are living happy, healthy lives.  We eat clean, we all run and we take good care of ourselves.  

I didn't do it all by myself the second time around.  When I felt stuck I did reach out to my Beachbody coach.  It was a wonderful, worthwhile investment.  She placed me in a challenge group and I had support and someone that I could connect with - even at 4 am!  It's the only time I've to work out but my friends were online and expecting me to check in.  It was a great motivating factor.  If you're stuck or just need a lil may be what works for you and I'm here to help you out!   :)